Thursday, March 29, 2012

Backup strategi

Hi all!
I'm in the starting phase of creating a backup strategi for a new SQL Server box. It's a quite big installation with many databases and quite large databases (hundreds of Gbyte). I'm very famililiar with the SQL Server backup technology but I need some ex
amples of strategies to "open up my mind". Does anybody have liks to examples for SQL Server backup strategies that will be very helpful. Maybe I don't have to reinvent the wheel..
Perform a full backup on the weekend and differential backups during the
week days , Hourly transaction log backups.
Have a look into the below link which contains the backup / restore
concepts with example:-
"Fredrik" <> wrote in message
> Hi all!
> I'm in the starting phase of creating a backup strategi for a new SQL
Server box. It's a quite big installation with many databases and quite
large databases (hundreds of Gbyte). I'm very famililiar with the SQL Server
backup technology but I need some examples of strategies to "open up my
mind". Does anybody have liks to examples for SQL Server backup strategies
that will be very helpful. Maybe I don't have to reinvent the wheel..
> Thanks!!
> Fredrik
Acctually I was looking for solutions that are more complex . Not that my intention is to make a very complex solution but I really like to know what my options are.
I found one link that I thougt was interesting.
We backup all databases using SQL LiteSpeed, which I highly recommend. Each backup job has three steps. After the DB is backed up locally to the SQL server in step 1, the second step is a CmdExec, which deletes the previous backup file located on a file
DEL /Q \\fileserver\SQLServers\SQLServerName\Database\*
The third step copies the backup file from the SQL server to the file server...
COPY \\SQLServerName\E$\MSSQL\Backup\Database \\fileserver\SQLServers\SQLServerName\Database
We also do this for the hourly or 15 minute tran. log backups (depending on how much activity the DB has) that we do.
Tape backups are done locally on the file server every night.
Not overly complex, but I think it's a step in the right direction for covering ourselves in the case of a disaster.
Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'm always open to reviewing our current procedures.

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