Friday, February 24, 2012

backup Maintenance wizard

Will Trans. logs backup options be in the wizard in sp2?

At this point there are no options to backup trans. logs every 1hr and deleting files over x amount of days old without doing a TSQL command correct?

To clarify, in 2k enterprise, it's in the maintenance plan. I can specify that info and give it the trn extension and folder to backup into.

I am a network admin being given sql duties now, so If I may seem like a beginner, it's because I am.

I did to a search for this topic, so forgive me if there is one i did not find.

Also, I was trying to submit feedback as requested for sp2 about this, but i did not see a button on the bottom of the search through feedback as stated.

You can do transaction log backups along with differential backups in a maintenance plan. You have to add a Backup database task. Then you can configure the backup type within the task. (It's the third field from the top in the dialog.)|||Probably looking for a similar option ion SQL Server 2000. I had a hard time myself way back.|||

You can back up Transaction logs every hour if you want to, just set up a job to back them up as often as you wish, for example:

You can also delete backup files older than "x" days by adding a maintenance cleanup task to your maintenance plan after it has been created, this does require that SP1 has been installed, for example:


Is there a way to run hourly transaction log backups while backing up the database once a day in ONE maintenance plan (like SQL2000)? Or do we have to create one maintenance plan for the full backup and another one for the transaction log backups.


No. A maintenance plan is generated as a single monolithic SSIS package. That means the entire package has a single schedule. If you have multiple tasks in the maintenance plan, they will all run on the same schedule. So, in 2005, you have to create a separate maintenance plan for each group of tasks that need to have a distinct schedule. It is for this reason, that I do not recommend using maintenance plans at all and simply writing the code for this stuff yourself. I also don't like the fact that I have to enlist the SSIS engine, so now running my backups has a dependency on the SSIS engine as well as the security access of the SSIS engine. If something happens to SSIS, my backups no longer run. Can you tell that I absolutely hate the new maintenance plans in 2005? It takes something that was very simple and very straightforward and turned it into a mess than has to transit multiple subsystems in order to perform and VERY straightforward task.

Below is the set of code that I use for backing up databases along with a procedure to clean up the backup history and backup files. All T-SQL. Simple, straightforward, and it is smart enough to not try to issue a tran log backup against a database that is in simple recovery model. All you have to do is create the jobs to call the backup and clean-up based on the type of backup you want to run and the frequency you want it to run on.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[backupfiles](

[DatabaseName] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

[BackupFileName] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

[CreationDate] [datetime] NULL



CREATE procedure [dbo].[asp_backup]

@.dir varchar(50), @.type char(1)



/* Stored Procedure: asp_backup */

/* Creation Date: 4/01/2006 */

/* Written by: Mike Hotek - MHS Enterprises, Inc. */

/* */

/* Copyright: 2006 MHS Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved */

/* Code can be used in its entirety, free of charge. Code can*/

/* not be incorporated into other products that are for sale. */

/* This copyright notice must remain intact when used. */

/* Code is provided as-is, without warranties. It is the */

/* user's sole responsibility to test this code for */

/* suitability in their environment. */

/* */

/* Purpose: Executes full, differential, and tran log backups */

/* */

/* Input Parameters: */

/* @.dir directory for the backup */

/* @.type backup type */

/* */

/* Output Parameters: None */

/* */

/* Return Status: 0 success */

/* -1 failure */

/* */

/* Usage: exec asp_backup 'c:\data','T' */

/* Executes a transaction log backup against each */

/* database that is in full recovery model and drops the */

/* backups in the directory c:\data */

/* */

/* Local Variables: */

/* */

/* Called By: SQL Server Agent job */

/* */

/* Calls: None */

/* */

/* Data Modifications: */

/* Inserts into the blockedprocess table */

/* */

/* Updates: */

/* Date Author Purpose */

/* 4/01/06 Mike Hotek Created */


declare @.filename varchar(255),

@.database varchar(255),

@.recovery int,

@.command nvarchar(1000)

--Error checking

if @.dir is null


print 'You must specify a directory path'



if @.type not in ('F','D','T')


print 'Valid backup types are F, D, and T'



--Format directory path

if right(@.dir,1) != '\'

set @.dir = @.dir + '\'

set @.command = null

declare curdb cursor for

select name, status from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('tempdb','model')

for read only

open curdb

fetch curdb into @.database, @.recovery

while @.@.fetch_status = 0


--Format filename. Functions needed to work around single digit month, day, minute, etc.

set @.filename = @.dir + @.database + '_' + cast(datepart(yyyy,getdate()) as char(4)) +

right('0' + rtrim(cast(datepart(mm,getdate()) as char(2))),2) +

right('0' + rtrim(cast(datepart(dd,getdate()) as char(2))),2) +

right('0' + rtrim(cast(datepart(hh,getdate()) as char(2))),2) +

right('0' + rtrim(cast(datepart(mi,getdate()) as char(2))),2) +

right('0' + rtrim(cast(datepart(ss,getdate()) as char(2))),2)

set @.filename = @.filename + case when @.type = 'F' then '_full.bak'

when @.type = 'D' then '_diff.bak'

else '.trn' end

--Format backup command

if @.type = 'F'


set @.command = 'backup database [' + @.database + '] to disk = ''' + @.filename + ''' with init'


else if @.type = 'D' and @.database != 'master'


set @.command = 'backup database [' + @.database + '] to disk = ''' + @.filename + ''' with differential, init'


else if @.type = 'T' and DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@.database, N'RECOVERY') = 'Full'


set @.command = 'backup log [' + @.database + '] to disk = ''' + @.filename + ''' with init'


--Execute backup

if @.command is not null


print @.command

exec sp_executesql @.command


insert into dbo.backupfiles

(DatabaseName, BackupFileName, CreationDate)

values(@.database, @.filename, getdate())

set @.command = null

fetch curdb into @.database, @.recovery


close curdb

deallocate curdb


CREATE procedure [dbo].[asp_bakfilecleanup] @.backupretention int,

@.historyretention int



/* Stored Procedure: asp_bakfilecleanup */

/* Creation Date: 4/01/2006 */

/* Written by: Mike Hotek - MHS Enterprises, Inc. */

/* */

/* Copyright: 2006 MHS Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved */

/* Code can be used in its entirety, free of charge. Code can*/

/* not be incorporated into other products that are for sale. */

/* This copyright notice must remain intact when used. */

/* Code is provided as-is, without warranties. It is the */

/* user's sole responsibility to test this code for */

/* suitability in their environment. */

/* */

/* Purpose: Removes old backup files from the file system. */

/* */

/* Input Parameters: */

/* @.backupretention Number of days to retain backup files */

/* @.historyretention Number of days to retain backup history*/

/* */

/* Output Parameters: None */

/* */

/* Return Status: 0 success */

/* -1 failure */

/* */

/* Usage: exec asp_bakfilecleanup 3,15 */

/* Deletes any backup files older than 3 days and any */

/* backup history older than 15 days */

/* */

/* Local Variables: */

/* */

/* Called By: SQL Server Agent job */

/* */

/* Calls: None */

/* */

/* Data Modifications: */

/* Deletes rows from the backupfiles table */

/* */

/* Updates: */

/* Date Author Purpose */

/* 5/10/06 Mike Hotek Created */


--This is wired to a logging table simply to avoid messy code in

--parsing file names or pulling fiel attributes to figure out which

--files to purge

declare @.file varchar(255),

@.command varchar(1000)

if @.backupretention is null


print 'You must specify a retention interval'



if @.historyretention is null


print 'You must specify a retention interval'



--Pull the list of files that are older than the retention

-- Construct a del command for each file and execute it.

declare curfile cursor for select BackupFileName from dbo.backupfiles

where CreationDate < dateadd(dd,-@.backupretention,getdate())

for read only

open curfile

fetch curfile into @.file

while @.@.fetch_status = 0


set @.command = 'exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''del ' + @.file + ''''


fetch curfile into @.file


--Clean up objects that were created

close curfile

deallocate curfile

delete from backupfiles

where CreationDate < dateadd(dd,-@.historyretention,getdate())


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