Saturday, February 25, 2012

backup of database

I am new to sqlserver.
My question?
How frequently is recommended to take the backup of
model, master and msdb database.
Right now I am backing up only the user databases and transaction logs.
Please share your views.
Daily backups should suffice.
"Mangesh Deshpande" <> wrote in
> Hi
> I am new to sqlserver.
> My question?
> How frequently is recommended to take the backup of
> model, master and msdb database.
> Right now I am backing up only the user databases and transaction logs.
> Please share your views.
> Thanks
> Mangesh
|||The only requirement would be whenever there are modifications. As master
and model should not change frequently, very few backups are required;
usually only right after a system modification. However, this is sometimes
difficult to ascertain. So, we regularly run FULL database backups on a
nightly basis.
The msdb, however, and in contrast to the other two, is modified whenever
jobs are ran, which sould be daily. So, you might want to, at least, run a
FULL backup daily, and even a few DIFFERENTIALs throughout the day, if there
is a heavy load. Also, be aware, that the SQL Agent service will reset the
RECOVERY mode of msdb to SIMPLE whenever it is restarted. So, if you desire
to also perform meaningful transaction log backups, you would have to create
a startup job to reset the msdb back to FULL or BULK LOGGED RECOVERY.
Anthony Thomas

"Mangesh Deshpande" <> wrote in
I am new to sqlserver.
My question?
How frequently is recommended to take the backup of
model, master and msdb database.
Right now I am backing up only the user databases and transaction logs.
Please share your views.

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