Friday, February 24, 2012

Backup MS SQL 2005 -> Restore MS SQL 2000

hi there

i've made a backup from a MS SQL Server 2005 database and i tried to restore this database to a MS SQL Server 2000. Unfortunately, I got following error

The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrad this database.

what can i do ? is it possible to restore the MS SQL Server 2005 DB on a MS SQL Server 2000 ?

PhilippNo, the file formats are not backwards compatible. You would need to do some type of logical copy of your data via BULK INSERT and scripts to create the tables.|||

Check out the Database Publishing Wizard:

I will create a script a database that includes inserts for all the data.


I faced the same situation many times.

The easiest method is to just create an empty database on SQL Server 2000 and use the Export Data wizard from SQL Server 2005 Management Studio to copy your tables and views. For stored procedures you need to create scripts on 2005 and run it on 2000.

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