Saturday, February 25, 2012

Backup of mirrored databases using TSM


I currently have 2 mirrored servers and would like to implement a backup solution using an existing TSM server. The first thing that comes to mind is using the TSM client or Litespeed by Quest, but I'd like to know the effects of performing backups on principal and mirrored servers first.

Will using one of these products cause errors or problems should the backup client try to backup a mirrored database? Can anyone make any recommendations on the effects of using TSM client or Litespeed for a mirrored environment?


That depends on how you would like to do the restore process. The restore process will dictate how you may want to do your backups and not the other way around. In our case we just use the native SQL Server agent to generate the backup files and have TSM to pick up the backup files. This is a disadvantage if your backing up terrabytes of data. In this case, LightSpeed will help decrease backup time.|||

Obviously, if you back up the principal while it is under heavy load, it will compete for resources. Backup tends to consume all available IO bandwidth, but not much CPU.

At the present time, you cannot back up a mirror database. Yes, I know, you want to, and we'll get to it, but not now.

Log backups will not interfere with mirroring as they would in a log-shipping environment, so that is not an issue.

Is there anything else you are concerned about?


Sorry for the delay in my reply. Both of your suggestions were helpful and will consider all my options.

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