Sunday, February 19, 2012

Backup Maintenance Plan

I am using SQL 2005 std in a cluster configuration.
The problem is running a backup using the maint. plan. I can setup the plan
a schedule the job, however, when the job runs the message I get is
Date 5/12/2006 8:39:01 AM
Log Job History (Maint Plan)
Step ID 1
Server <Server Name>
Job Name Maint Plan
Step Name Subplan
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: <domain name>\sqlsvc. The package execution failed. The
step failed.
I have extended logging turned on but this is the only message I get. I got
this to run once, and that was the first time I setup the plan, I ran it by
right clicking and start job. I have SSIS installed and the SQL agent and
DTC are running.
Thanks for any help.
BrandonDatabase backup errors are logged in the SQL Server Log. Look there for more
information. If the backup was succesfull the information should be there to
Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
Database Administrator
"Brandon" wrote:

> I am using SQL 2005 std in a cluster configuration.
> The problem is running a backup using the maint. plan. I can setup the pl
> a schedule the job, however, when the job runs the message I get is
> Date 5/12/2006 8:39:01 AM
> Log Job History (Maint Plan)
> Step ID 1
> Server <Server Name>
> Job Name Maint Plan
> Step Name Subplan
> Duration 00:00:01
> Sql Severity 0
> Sql Message ID 0
> Operator Emailed
> Operator Net sent
> Operator Paged
> Retries Attempted 0
> Message
> Executed as user: <domain name>\sqlsvc. The package execution failed. The
> step failed.
> I have extended logging turned on but this is the only message I get. I g
> this to run once, and that was the first time I setup the plan, I ran it b
> right clicking and start job. I have SSIS installed and the SQL agent and
> DTC are running.
> Thanks for any help.
> Brandon|||I have checked the SQL server log but does not say anything. The only log i
in the job log.
"Ben Nevarez" wrote:
> Database backup errors are logged in the SQL Server Log. Look there for mo
> information. If the backup was succesfull the information should be there
> Ben Nevarez, MCDBA, OCP
> Database Administrator
> "Brandon" wrote:
>|||I found out the issue. You can not create a manitenance plan from a
workstation, you have to be logged into the server and create it there. Eve
more if you have a cluster server the active server needs to be the creator.
If you need to edit the plan it also has to be done from the active server.
If you try to edit it from a workstation it will break.
"Brandon" wrote:
> I have checked the SQL server log but does not say anything. The only log
> in the job log.
> "Ben Nevarez" wrote:

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